EMF Danger and Protection

New areas of EMF (electric magnetic fields) Danger and Protection are being researched every day. The theory has been around since James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish mathematician and scientist described EMF (electricity, magnetism, and light) for the first time in the 1800s.  Hence, with the augment of more and more electronic devices, the principle becomes more important to understand. Therefore, we need to be aware of any dangers and take precautions where warranted.

What is EMF(electric and magnetic fields)?

Sources of EMF

Electric and magnetic fields are invisible areas of energy (also called radiation). They are produced by electricity, which is the movement of electrons, or current.

Because a magnetic field results from the flow of current through electrical wires or electrical devices and increases in strength as the current increases, EMF is everywhere. Since the strength of a magnetic field decreases rapidly as the distance is increased from its source, we need to put as much space as possible between us and our devices.

It is the distance factor that makes the research surrounding the cellphone important. We are putting that current right up next to our head. We are also carrying that phone in pockets close to our bodies. The proximity of the laptop computer to our bodies is also another possible fear factor.

What about Wi-Fi circulating through our homes and companies? And then there are all the cell phone towers etc. The sources are endless. It is time now to begin to be cautious.

How do we Protect Ourselves from these dangers?

There are many suggestions regarding the cellphone such as putting the phone on a table and using the Speaker feature for making calls. As for carrying the phone, leather holders may offer some protection.

Now devices are being introduced to reduce the amount of EMF that attacks our bodies.

 These are holistic wellness tools or jewelry designed to improve your well-being and bring you back into a balanced and harmonized state. Some of these include technologies such as magnets, crystals, and more. But our offering is tops.

See our latest bio-hacking offering that offers the most advanced protection.

See tuün™ RESONATE – Our Newest Bio-Hacking Technology

We can now offer you a chance to own an amazing and gorgeous medallion that is designed especially for EMF protection by our amazing scientist. You can see it all now by clicking here.

This amazing medallion is available now at a very nominal price. And, it is here just in time for our gift-giving season, but I’m sure would be a welcome gift at any time of the year.

Conclusion – EMF Danger and Protection

Since EMF is definitely a part of our everyday lives, a bit of protection is always wise.

At such an affordable price, how can you not want to try it?

Be on the safe side and enjoy one of these magnificent pieces today.

With more and more computers emerging in classrooms, we need to think about protecting our children too.

And don’t forget to add them to your gift-giving list.

Go here and order yours today.

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