This Gemstone Guide will attempt to bring you information about rare stones and gems, their origin, and availability. We hope to bring you enlightening information and history as well as to find and guide you to good locations to find the things you might be interested in acquiring.

Kashmir Blue Sapphire

Kashmir Blue Sapphire is extremely rare today because most of these rare gems are in museums and are not for sale. When an authentic stone is found, the price is steep. To learn more go here.

This Gemstone Guide will bring you new information as quickly as we find them.

This Guide will be more of an informative nature rather than an actual shopping guide. I will be doing more research on these rare stones and bringing you additional information here from time to time. We write new pages on this subject and related items often. You may stay informed by completing the form at the right.

Birthstones are gemstones that are associated with a specific birth month. And each birthstone has a unique birthstone meaning and historical significance. Birthstones are often worn as jewelry or as a pendant. And  Birthstones are considered lucky for their particular months and for those who believe in such things their healing powers are heightened during these times. Go to this website to find out the stone for your birth month and its meaning. Mine is September, which is the sapphire, which is said to provide its wearer with spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. 

This website tells about the monthly birthstones and information associated with each jewel.