Free Opiate Addiction Help

Free Opiate Addiction Help is available. Go to this site to find a place near you. To talk to someone now call 866-291-9090.

I know about addiction far too well for it has impacted my life and that of my family. No one wakes up one day and says to themselves “I want to be an addict”. But it happens all too easily. One drink or one pill at a time. And sometimes it takes others to intercede for there to be recovery and continued recovery. So today, I pray for the healing of addiction for all who struggle with it. It is not just a one-person thing. Families, loved ones, we all suffer when one of us suffers. The good thing, however, is that there is more awareness of the situation and more HELP available. And less stigma associated with seeking HELP.

This article will deal with just one addiction that is becoming an epidemic. That of Opioids. But alcohol addiction has also plagued us for many, many years and is no less of a crisis.

Opioid Addiction

The opioid epidemic/crisis refers to the extensive overuse of opioid drugs, These are both from medical prescriptions and from illegal sources. Beginning in the 1990’s, the enormous increase in prescribed opioids has increased contributing to over 70,000 drug overdose deaths in the U.S. in 2018.

These Drug overdose deaths continue to increase.

The year 2017 saw 70,200 drug overdose deaths. 68% were opioid-related. This was 6 times higher than in 1999. An average 130 Americans die every day from opiate overdose. Stop and think about that number for a minute. One hundred thirty Americans – not the world – die every day from this drug,

High Connections with Veterans

Veterans make up a high percentage of these statistics. Veterans face many obstacles when they return home. They may be suffering from new or existing physical battlefield injuries. Also, many may suffer deep-seated mental issues (PTSD), causing the veteran to feel anxiety in trying to adjust again to civilian life. These veterans may be treated with opiates by the Veteran health services. These may seem beneficial short term, but opiates have a high addiction potential. If not kept in check, veterans often develop opiate abuse and addiction issues in addition to their original problems.

We need to focus on our Veterans. Their suffering does not need to continue. They have given much for our freedom.  We owe them hope in return. 

Free Opiate Addiction Help is Happening

The good news is that the opioid problem has now been recognized and is actively being addressed.  New treatments and treatment centers are opening almost daily.  The VA also has become active in reversing this trend.  


Are you a veteran who is struggling with opiate abuse? Do you feel you have nowhere to turn? Do you feel that you have lost hope? There is no doubt that what you are experiencing is daunting, but help is closer than you think. Contact your local VA, non-profit addiction advocacy agency, hospital or doctor. They will be able to find the proper programs and resources that will help you break the vicious cycle of addiction. Or go here to find a site near you.

While the stigma surrounding addiction can be overwhelming, asking for help to recover is a sign of strength. Believe it or not, there are countless numbers of veterans from all walks of life, who received treatment and are living healthy and happy lives. Don’t wait another day – help is just a phone call away – 866-291-9090

If you are reading this now and are feeling despair, call the phone number above or go to the link below to find the closest treatment center near you. Every life is to be cherished. You are not alone. People are here to help you. There is HOPE!!!! 866-291-9090

Free Opiate Addiction Help is now available.

Go to this site to find a place near you.