Blue Scorpion Venom Treatment

Today, I would like to introduce you to the Blue Scorpion Venom Treatment. It is rocking the natural health care world. Last night I was introduced to the amazing scientist who is bringing this product to us – Dr. Richard Langley. I wish I could share the video meeting with you.

This amazing scientist has brought blue scorpion venom to us in a form that is conducive to promoting immune health. And another amazing scientist – a natural health doctor from Canada – Dr. Bryce Wylde – also spoke to us about immune health. Dr. Wylde is endorsing Dr. Langley’s product.

Dr. Bryce Wylde

According to Dr. Wylde, we are born with two types of immunity – the innate immune system and the learned or adaptive immune system. The innate becomes active as soon as we are born, and protects us from becoming ill. The Learned immune system is just that, it has to be taught to protect us by encountering attackers and learning how to overcome them.

Innate vs Learned Immune Systems

The first part of the body to detect invaders such as a virus is the innate immune system. It detects any bacteria, parasites, or toxins and senses wounds or trauma. When these invaders are detected, our innate immune system activates to attack and destroy the invaders. And it then begins to initiate repair. It does this while also informing and modulating the adaptive immune system.

The Acquired (adaptive, learned, or specific) immune system is not present at birth. It is learned. The learning process starts, per above, when a person’s innate immune system encounters foreign invaders. Then, the components of acquired immunity learn or determine the best way to attack this new antigen. And it begins to develop a memory for combatting that antigen. Hence, it is said we never become ill a second time from the same germ.

Dr. Wyle Advice – Boost your Immune System

According to Dr. Wylde it is up to us to support and/or boost our immune systems. This can be done with food and/or natural anti-inflammatory ingredients. The blue scorpion venom has been found to have a high degree of these ingredients. Dr. Richard Langley set out to harness these immune ingredients and bring them to us.

Dr. Richard Langley

I wish there was as concise a bio for Richard Langley as there was for Dr. Wylde. Dr. Langley has been involved in many spectrums of life, from growing up on a farm as a child to now being the owner of a Blue Scorpion Farm. In between, he has founded several companies and organizations and developed some miraculous products. The Farm supplies the venom for making the Peptide CTX™ that is the basis for the commercial products.

Rick is best known as “Scorpion Rick” and the name of one of his companies is MRVLHealth. The MRVL there stands for miraculous. Why? Because all of the products have shown miraculous cures and results. All of this from a Blue Scorpion? You bet!!

The Beginning

The story of the scorpions goes back a few years when his beloved grandmother was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. At that time he set out to find a way to help her. He had heard and read about the Blue Scorpion being used in Cuba to treat cancer patients with some success. So he set off for Cuba and other parts of the Caribbean Islands. He soon found that pure Blue Scorpion venom was an exceedingly pricey commodity.

While there he also encountered a missionary who was caring for orphans from the Haiti earthquake devastation. To hear Rick tell of these orphans and the condition they were living in was heartbreaking. So much so for him that he started his foundation called Today’sPromises.Org.

The Trip

So Rick’s trip to the Caribbean has brought blessings from two directions. Help for “his orphans” and the beginning of his research with the blue scorpion. He now owns a Scorpion Farm housing over 100,000 of these scorpions. To hear Rick tell of it, it sounds like a farm of fluffy sheep. He cares for them as he learned in childhood to care for animals. He knows their preferred food, their reproductive cycle, and the care of their young.

In listening to him speak of them, one almost forgets that they are pretty creepy creatures that produce young only once a year, but can have anywhere from one to one-hundred offsprings. He also tells of the mother scorpion tending her young by carrying them on their back, as the babies are born without an exoskeleton.

But mind you, this is all done as a very profitable enterprise. Those scorpions are scrupulously cared for to obtain their extremely valuable venom. Each scorpion must be “milked” once every few days to obtain a few drops of this venom. And Rick did note here that they are not venomous as I had previously believed. Their bite will hurt – sort of sting like a bee, but will not kill you. To illustrate that point, Rick told the following story.

One Man’s Blue Scorpion Venom Treatment

But aside from cancer, the scorpion was being used by locals to treat other ailments. The story “Scorpion Rick” likes to tell about this is about a Cuban farmer who was crippled with rheumatoid arthritis. According to the story Rick likes to tell, the farmer when overcome with pain, took the scorpion that he carried in his cap and caused the scorpion to sting him. According to the farmer, I saw one quote, “It hurts for a while, but then it calms down and I don’t have any more pain.”

A Powerful Anti-Inflammation Treatment

From this story, we learn that this product is a very powerful anti-inflammation treatment for all kinds of aches and pains. It is not marketed as a cure-all, but as a means to boost your immune system to cope with outside invaders. I am told it is tasteless and can be taken as just a few drops on the tongue first thing in the morning. It is just like taking a bottle full of vitamins, but with more confident results.

The product is the MRVL Health Immune Support™ product. This product,  Blue Scorpion Peptide CTX™. is not pure Scorpion venom, but rather a patented synthesized version of the venom which has amazing healing properties. It is a strong booster for a person’s immune system, hence Dr. Wylde’s connection and endorsement with it. And while we can’t declare a cure-all for everything, the product has produced amazing pain relief for hundreds of people.

And More

So here we have this amazing product, but there is more. In the process of harvesting the venom, “Scorpion Rick” became aware that small portions that fell on his hands were removing the brown aging spots. Further testing also showed that the venom caused wrinkled skin to smooth out and to also enriched the skin. Hence, we now have another product line to also offer to you. MRVL Skin Solutions. A multidimensional product for the lifetime care of your skin. I say lifetime here because we have to know early in life that our skin will be with us for our entire life and we better take good care of it.

MRVL Skin Solutions is defined in depth on another page in this website. Go there to read more in depth.

A Wide-Range of Blue Scorpion Venom Treatments

And so here we find a wide range of cares and treatments all based upon the marvelous venom from the blue scorpion. If you are suffering from aches and pains of any type, perhaps this is the product that can bring you relief. And also, Dr. Wylde suggested just using the Blue Scorpion Peptide CTX™ to boost your immune system against this crazy virus we are fighting. Boosting our immune system is always a good thing regardless of the reason.

I hope I have whet your interest in these creatures and their amazing healing qualities. Read more at the MRVL twin sites – Blue Scorpion Peptide CTX™ and MRVL Skin Care.

And as with all products of this nature, consultation with your physician is advised.